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Eglise Saint Ferdinand, Arcachon
A Neo-Roman style church that was built around 1900
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Sights & sites
Situated close to the Port of Arcachon this beautiful church is in the heart of the old town and fishing village area.
The first chapel was built in 1855 and it was then extended in the early 1900's in the Neo-Roman style that we see today. The bell tower was eventually finished in 1927 and sits 42m tall with a statue of the Sacred Heart at its peak.
Worth knowing
Its bell bears the inscription “Heri nox, hodie aurora, cras lux” (yesterday night, today dawn, tomorrow light), which provided the first Mayor of Arcachon, Alphonse Lamarque de Plaisance, with inspiration for the town’s motto “Heri solitudo, hodie vicus, cras civitas” (yesterday desert, today village, tomorrow city).